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The Unseen War - Part 3

The last part of our series The Unseen War: Fight of Our Lives!

The Unseen War - Part 3
February 23, 2025
Chris Croy
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The Unseen War- The Fight of Our Lives

Part Three: Dug In

February 23, 2025

Breaking Enemy Strongholds'

"We are human, but we don't wage war as humans do. We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds"  (2 Corinthians 10:3-4 New Living Translation)

“Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions.And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” (James 1:14-15 NLT)

  • Temptation is not a sin; how you respond to it is.
  • The enemy uses deception to make small compromises seem harmless.

"Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."  (1 Peter 5:8 NLT)

  • The enemy uses isolation to keep us from getting help.

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT)

"And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can't." (Romans 7:18 NLT)

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another"  (Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT)

  • One of God’s tools for victory is small groups.

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."  (James 5:16 NLT)

  • God uses accountability and prayer to transform us.

"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." (Proverbs 27:17)